In order to make my games as enjoyable as possible, I need feedback and suggestions from you, the player. If you think my games could be improved by the addition of a new feature, or you just want some more levels, then let me know. This doesn't just apply to published games, so if you like the look of one of my upcoming games then let me know what features you'd like to see in it.
I'm also aware that I'm not perfect (and only have a limited number of testers and test devices), so sometimes bugs get into my games. Please let me know about any bugs you spot and I can fix them up quickly to improve your playing experience.
If you have any questions about any of my games, please get in touch with me and I will try to respond in good time.
For general support questions and feedback, please email support@pelagic-games.com.
For suggestions and feature requests, please email requests@pelagic-games.com.
For bug reports, please email bugs@pelagic-games.com, letting me know which game, version and device you are using, together with a description of what bug you saw and how you saw it. For example: In version 302 of Back Button Turbo on Nexus 4, the counter stops working after pressing the back button 100 times.